International Academic Competitions organizes the following three world championship-level competitions in history, geography, and science. We encourage all students to qualify for and attend these amazing competitions that provide a chance to compete on the world stage!
International History Olympiad
The International History Olympiad is our biennial competition for the world’s top history students. Held in odd-numbered years, the History Olympiad brings together the top history students from over twenty countries for an unforgettable week full of competitions, field trip and sightseeing opportunities, and a chance to meet students with similar interests and talents from around the world. Any student who qualifies for the Asian Championships of the International History Bee or International History Bowl in the two school years prior to the History Olympiad is eligible to attend. Students may also qualify by taking the International History Olympiad Qualifying Exam. The next International History Olympiad will be held from July 20-26, 2025 at École Jeannine Manuel in the heart of Paris, France! We are expecting approximately 300 students from around the world to attend. There will also be an optional pre-trip to Normandy and Brittany on 16-18 July, and an optional post-trip to the South of France from 27 July-3 August. Family members and teachers are encouraged to attend both the Olympiad and the pre and post-trips too; there is a program of events that is designed for them at the Olympiad as well. For further questions on the History Olympiad, please see the FAQ page or email
Registration for the 2025 International History Olympiad is now open and will run on this page through June 20, 2025.
International Geography Championships
The International Geography Championships is our biennial world championship-level event for the world’s best geography students. Held in even-numbered years, IGC alternates with its sister competition, the International History Olympiad. As with the History Olympiad, IGC is a week-long event which features dozens of geography-themed competitions, as well as field trips, social events, and much more. Students in Asia can qualify for IGC by taking part in the International Geography Bee, International Geography Bowl, or through the IGC Qualifying Exam. All students who qualify for the International Geography Bee Asian Championships in the two school years prior to IGC are eligible to attend. The 2024 Geography Championships was held from 14-20 July in Vienna, Austria, and the next International Geography Championships will be held in the summer of 2026. The dates and location will be announced no later than summer 2025, likely earlier. Registration will run from September 2025 through June 2026. There is also a Family and Friends Program at IGC, and there will likely be pre and/or post-trips at IGC 2026 as well. For further questions on IGC, please see the FAQ page or email
International Environmental Science Olympiad
International Academic Competitions organized the inaugural International Environmental Science Olympiad (IESO) for our science players and their families in Puerto Rico from December 27-31, 2024. The International Environmental Science Olympiad is similar to the History Olympiad and IGC, but its theme is specific to environmental science. IESO likewise consists of competitions, field trips, ceremonies, and other events, all with an environmental science theme.
IESO also features a Family and Friends Program. Students can qualify for IESO through the IESO Qualifying Exam or through having qualified for the International Science Bee Asian Championships. The next International Environmental Science Olympiad will likely be held in Summer 2027, Summer 2028, or Summer 2029. For further questions regarding the International Environmental Science Olympiad, please see the FAQ page or email