We understand that some of the required things may cost extra money. However, to ensure the quality of our competitions for all our participants, we require all participants to have the following items:

Device(s) with internet access and camera — all participating students must have access to a computer or iPad and smart phone with internet access and camera. Our online competitions require students to use software and websites that require internet. Also, all participants will be required to show their faces for the whole duration of the tournament.

Headphones with built-in microphones — all participating students need to have function headphones that can also act as a microphone. This is to ensure that all students can hear the moderator clearly. Since most of our competitions involve buzzer-based questions, the ability to hear the moderator will affect students’ performance.

Zoom — all participants must download Zoom before the tournament. You are not required to create an account on Zoom, but you must download and install the software before the start the competition.

Goodbuzz — players will use GOODBuzz to buzz in. You do not need to download anything or register to use the website.

GOODBuzz Guide


The competition will use two online platforms: Zoom and Goodbuzz. Participants must first download Zoom to use the platform. Try to find the best wifi spot in your home to ensure the fastest connection. Also, please sit in a quiet area, so it won’t disturb other participants from hearing the moderator.

1. Log into Zoom using the given Meeting ID and sign in using your Student ID. Make sure your video is turned on during the whole tournament.

2. In the Zoom meeting, the tournament director will assign you to specific breakout rooms for your round.

3. Go to Goodbuzz on your mobile phone and Join the Tournament and Room using the information provided by your moderator. Use your assigned Student ID to join the room.

4. Players must show their whole face, shoulders, and BOTH hands on the screen at all times!

5. Windows and tabs other than Goodbuzz and Zoom must be closed during the round.

6. Recording matches is NOT ALLOWED.

7. For students in Elementary and Middle School divisions, parents can be in the room to help them with technical issues ONLY. Parents are NOT ALLOWED to make any comments, complaints, or protests during the round. If you have any issues, please go to the main room and speak with the tournament director. Any disruptions during the round will result in the immediately removal from the competition.


Zoom – if you have issues with your Zoom, please log out and sign back in using the same meeting information


We understand that cheating is a serious concern for online tournaments. IAC will try our best to discourage students from having unfair advantages over others. We will have extra staff who will randomly go into breakout rooms to observe the competition. Students are also encourage to keep an eye out for suspicious activities:

  • Sound or motion that suggest the player is typing
  • A sudden change in the lighting of a player’s screen
  • Please email the league@iacompetitions.com if you have proof and concerns about another player’s misconduct.